From Kathmandu, Nepal | 世界を駆け巡るgakuのBlog Paddy gaku go around world

From Kathmandu, Nepal

DEAR my English reader Friends.

Hi! every!

Has going?


I'm doing still keep my trip and safe.

Now, I'm in Kathmandu,Nepal.

after leaving Laos,

been to China for totaly over three months.

and when I was in Shangli-ra,

I had some problem, like loose my baggage

including my most important small book ; "Passport"!

accross over Tibet was very hard condition for me.

I had pain from suffer from diarrhea like piss all over the night.

and suffer from oxygen starvation all day.

so,I could not enjoy stay'in base camp of Mt. EVEREST then.

and When coming to Nepal,

I was encompassed by feelings like it was in the heaven.


Trees a lot green begin to grow in the mountain.
Air that contained a lot of oxygens was able to be breathed in.

It recovered completely, and it came to eat my physical condition better than

Anyway, it informs you of happily spending as of now.


Thanks from hearing from lot of friends,live in Thailand.

I wish to express my gratitude for your feelings.

Thank you.

gack in Nepal.
